How do we work?
Our name really says it all: here at Facilidev we really believe in the power of facilitating your organisation’s development. Facilitation means that you are the owner and decider of the learning and development process. We are with you throughout the process and support you with knowledge, experience, advice, suggestions, access to information. This means we don’t decide and tell you what to do. We don’t want to replace capacity or see capacity drop once we get out. We are all about increasing your organisation’s capacity.
Our approach is best visualised in this version of the learning cycle.
What can we do to help you?
- We can help you analyse your organisation and its environment in a participatory way to establish a helicopter view (holistic overview) and identify priorities for your organisational development.
- We can assist you in developing an organisational development plan that integrates with your overall strategy and describes how you will reach tangible and realistic results.
- We can offer you trainings, workshops, tools, approaches and information sources on various topics to help you bridge the gaps in expertise that you identified.
- We can give you feed-back and practical advice when you bring about the changes in your organisation with your team.
- We can help you set up your monitoring system and analyse the results of your work, or evaluate the end results that you’ve achieved as well as the process and effort it took to reach them.
Our goal is not to turn you into the perfect organisation, because even the most perfect organisation needs to learn and evolve to keep up with its ever changing environment and the needs and wishes of its beneficiaries and clients. Our goal is to help you master this learning cycle so that you as an organisation have the capacity to continuously learn and adapt, not just to be with the current events but to be able to anticipate and lead.
But even organisations that do master the organisational development cycle sometimes feel the need for either specific support or for an external person that can offer a fresh view on things. This is why we also offer more ‘traditional’ ways of support, such as trainings, coaching and evaluation. Of course, we won’t pretend that we have expertise in every domain and field, so check the list below and move on to this page for more information on our target groups.
How can we help you?
- Advice, for instance on ICT for NPOs, either in person during a session at your office or in written form (for instance feed-back on a project proposal).
- Training & workshops on topics such as:
- How to use Logframer for (participatory) project development;
- Introduction to capacity development and empowerment;
- How to do a participatory analysis with your stakeholders;
- Introduction to Results Based Management;
- How to write a project proposal (funding request);
- Participatory monitoring and evaluation
- …
- Analysis and evaluation:
- Participatory Organisational Capacity Assessment (POCA);
- Evaluation of the process and results of your organisational development efforts;
- Evaluation of capacity development of partner organisations;
- Project evaluations in the field of international development…
- Coaching with regular face-to-face meetings to discuss practical questions, concerns and cases of:
- Organisational Development practitioners
- Quality Managers working in the Not-for-profit (NPO)/NGO/humanitarian and development assistance sector
- Monitoring and Evaluation officers in these sectors
- Project Managers in these sectors
- Facilitation (see introduction) of:
- Organisational Development processes of not-for-profit/non-governmental organisations and humanitarian/development actors
- Quality management processes in these sectors
- Development of ICT systems in these sectors
- Development of monitoring systems